Research - Prospective Doctoral Students

If you are interested in working with me, please email me your resume and writing sample to discuss your research interests with me.
I encourage inquiries from prospective doctoral students interested in conducting research on topics including (but not limited to) human-environmental interactions, community-governed resources, coupled social-hydrological systems, coupled social-technical systems, coupled social-ecological systems, social dimensions of climate change, theories of public policy, public administration, public service, public management, bureaucratic behavior, leadership, innovation, hybrid organizations, sustainable governance of resources and organizations, etc. - in sectors including (but not limited to): water, land, forest and food.
My primary expertise is in analyzing collective action and the role of local communities in the sustainable governance of resources and organizations. Most of my current research projects use the following tools and approaches: vulnerability, adaptive capacity, security, sustainable livelihoods approach, institutional analysis, mental-models, capabilities, routines & other non-rational decision-making approaches including learning.
Students interested in working with me are welcome to apply a wide variety of research tools including (but not limited to) - Qualitative (surveys, interviews, FGDs, scenarios), Quantitative (regression, QCA, mental model analysis), GIS and spatial statistics, Machine learning and big data analysis, agent-based modeling, RCTs, etc. For some of these research methodologies such as GIS and spatial statistics, Machine learning and big data analysis, agent-based modeling, RCTs, etc. we will work collaboratively with colleagues from various research institutions. Students will be encouraged to specialize in multiple methods.

Students interested in working with me may conduct research on Indian (urban/rural) sites including (but not limited to) the states of West Bengal, Gujarat and Karnataka or in cities/towns including (but not limited to) Kolkata, Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Anand (& other small towns of Gujarat) and Siliguri (& other small towns of West Bengal).

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